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Access is a key barrier to digital inclusion

Improving access to connectivity for people in the community is a key focus area of the WA Digital Inclusion Project.

There are two initiatives that fall under the strategic focus area of Access:

Initiative 4

Create a website to help 50,000 WA community members access digital inclusion resources and facilities.

Initiative 5

Provide subsidised internet access to 500 social housing residents in a pilot program.

Initiative 4: Create a website to help 50,000 WA community members access digital inclusion resources and facilities.

Limited access to and awareness of digital inclusion resources is a major barrier to achieving digital inclusion. Initiative four aims to improve access to existing resources and present them in accessible formats. This will make resources easier to find and use for community workers, trainers, and people in the community.

This website will be the main point of contact for trainers and community workers to find digital resources and training modules. It will also enable people in the community to look for support online.

Initiative 5: Provide subsidised internet access to 500 social housing residents in a pilot program.

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